The world is gathering to finish what they started with the Tower of Babel.

The Serpent is returning to finish what he started in Eden.

Because God is preparing a faithful companion for His Son.

 what does the future hold?

transhuman (trans·​hu·​man) adjective

“transcending human limits: superhuman”

Neuralink will allow anyone who wants superhuman cognition to have it.
— Elon Musk

Is humanity on the verge of taking the next step in the evolutionary process?

becoming technological gods?

To understand our future we must first understand our past.

The quest for transcendence was introduced

in the Garden.

Your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God
— Genesis 3:5

ancient seduction

 babel (ba·​bel) noun

“from Hebrew Bābhel, from Akkadian bāb-ilu gate of god”

Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge.
— Ray Kurzweil

The Tower of Babel embodied the pursuit of transcendence.

United in mind and heart

using the

most advanced

technological methods

to build a gateway to heaven.

The Serpent’s temptation morphed into the quest to build a Tower.


This is only the beginning of what they will do.
— Genesis 11:6

the pursuit of transcendence

 singularity (sin·gu·lar·i·ty) noun

“point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization”

Today the world is uniting

in language and ideology.

If the Technological Singularity can happen, it will.
— Vernor Vinge

What are they after?


Towards A Posthuman Future

humanity 2.0

The Builders of Babel failed.

The Digital Generation is picking up where they left off.


Nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.
— Genesis 11:6

the fruit of knowledge 

intelligence explosion (in·​tel·​li·​gence ex·​plo·​sion) noun

“possible outcome of humanity building artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI may be capable of recursive self-improvement, leading to the rapid emergence of artificial superintelligence (ASI), the limits of which are unknown, shortly after technological singularity is achieved”

Advances in Ai Trending

Machine intelligence is the last invention man will ever need to make.
— Nick Bostrom




more invasive.

Knowledge shall be increased (Daniel 12:4)

Exponential Technological Progress

The unthinkable becomes possible.

The Age of Intelligent Machines Ushers in a New Human Era.


You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath...

You shall not bow down to them or serve them,
— Exodus 20:4

making god in

our fallen


 superintelligence (su·​per·​in·​tel·​li·​gence) noun

“an entity that surpasses humans in overall intelligence”

The reality is, we’re creating God
— Mo Gawdat

Path to Superintelligent Ai

Whole Brain Emulation:

Process of scanning a physical structure of the brain accurately enough to create an emulation of the mental state and copying it to a computer in a digital form. The computer would then run a simulation of the brain's information processing, such that it would respond in essentially the same way as the original brain and experience having a sentient conscious mind.

One Algorithm

to Rule Them All

The Quest to Become Like God Becomes the Quest to Engineer One


Deceiving those on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast
— Revelation 13:14

the rebellion

hive mind (hīv mīnd) noun

“the collective mental activity expressed in the complex, coordinated behavior of a colony regarded as comparable to a single mind controlling the behavior of an individual organism” 

worldwide consciousness – using just our brains

It’s incredibly important that Ai not be other. It must be us.
— Elon Musk

the democratization of Artificial intelligence

Hybrid Intelligence will take on the personas of its users, exchange information with them and become part of the very fabric of the human brain.

Collective Consciousness

The world will complete the Tower of Babel by uniting and merging with an ai god made in its image


They will make war on the Lamb
— Revelation 17:14

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